Saturday, June 12, 2010

"Uninhibited" Marching Under Sunny Rainbow Pride Skies

Some 30 to 40 Unitarians from Westwood and UCE (and 100 per cent of our ministers!) turned out to cheer, wave and march in Edmonton's 30th annual Pride Parade. This year we followed the Roller Derby women, and just ahead of an NDP contingent, so you can bet the crowd was pretty noisy.

We saw lots of familiar faces in the crowd as well including prominent Gay activist Murray Billett who called out thanks for our continued support and participation.

As always, the crowd was as interesting as the paraders. The outrageous outfits and make-up was not confined to the marchers! Two standouts this year: One was a couple on the way to celebrate their marriage who came with groomsmen and bridesmaids in full wedding regalia to cheer on the parade. The other was a tiny Muslim woman with three children. She was wearing her hiqab (headscarf) but was out on the road waving and snapping photos of the parade with a smile on her face.

Later my daughters Lily and Elora enjoyed the post parade activities. Elora dunked herself in the pool at City Hall while Lily took part in painting a mural closer to Churchill Square.

But as much fun as it all was, the part that always moves me is something else. "Uninhibited" is sometimes a dirty word in our culture. Canadians are reluctant to be uninhibited about anything (except maybe hockey). We certainly don't spend a lot of time celebrating sexuality.

But for me, that is exactly what the Pride Parade is, a celebration of human sexuality in all of its splendour. Certainly it is also still a reminder of a minority in society that needs protection in the forum of human rights. But the way that reminder is given has changed over the years. Now parade marchers and watchers alike turn out dressed in various provocative ways not to shock, but to celebrate who they are. It's not the magazine model types dressed in fishnets, bustiers and low cut ball gowns (and that would be every gender I am describing). It's the everyday human beings of all orientations coming out and saying "Hey, I'm a sexual being too, and I want to celebrate everyone's orientation, and isn't that fun?" And it is.

Yup, if you never have been it might be hard to get one's head around the idea of skimpy, sexy outfits being the harbingers of good, clean prideful fun, but that's what it is.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Join Unitarians at the Edmonton Pride Parade, June 12

Once again Unitarians from the Westwood Unitarian Congregation and the Unitarian Church of Edmonton will be unfurling our banners and parading down Jasper Avenue in support of Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual and Trans Gender rights. This is the 30th year of the Pride Parade. The theme is "2010- A Queer Odyssey".

If you have never attended, you don't know what you are missing. The parade is joyous and entertaining, truly a celebration of human worth and dignity, with a little delightful sauciness thrown in for fun. I have been parading for years along with my daughters since they were babies. Now 6 and 5, they love the rainbows!

And frankly it's hard to decide where to be. The parade is fun to watch, but it's just as much fun to walk in the event and watch the crowds. They are warm and appreciative of church participation.

So, the parade starts 'promptly (yeah right)at 1 p.m. and runs from Jasper and 108 Street east on Jasper and then up to Churchill Square.

If you want to join in, look for the Unitarian banners south of Jasper on 108 before the parade starts.

See you there!

Ben Hogenson and Trans Equality

Members and Friends of the Unitarian Church of Edmonton were deeply saddened to learn of the death of Ben Hogenson in Chicago. Ben was nearing the end of the transition from female to male and had gone to the Windy City for gender reassignment surgery. Thanks to a tremendous effort from a few church members to reach out to contacts, a support system was created for Ben in Chicago for the lengthy recovery. Tragically a blood clot killed him a few days after surgery. It was a tearful moment when Docia Lysne, Audrey Brooks and Marilyn Gaa lit candles in his memory a week ago.

This past Sunday we distributed letters asking MPs to announce their support for Bill C-389, a bill proposed by NDP Member Bill Siksay that would add gender identity and expression to the Canadian Human Rights Act. View the proposed legislation and it's status at C-389

KIVA sign-ups

Hey folks,
This Sunday, June 13, UCE will be hosting a KIVA sign-up workshop. KIVA is an organizaqtion that lets those of us who have lend money in micro-loans to those who really need it. The Canadian Unitarian-Flames Team (now the largest religious team in Canada, has already made over $25,000 in micro-loans, mostly of $25 each.

Five people in the congregation have already signed up and taken advantage of some of the gift certificates I brought home from Victoria.

AND Team founders Lisa and Mike Greenly of Victoria have accepted an invitation to present a Sunday service at the Westwood Congregation on November 21st. They will also do an event at UCE, but that's not scheduled yet.
