Sunday, May 16, 2010

Poem for Trafficking Victims

Anna Rodyo wrote this poem for the victims portrayed in the film Sex Slave$ and recited it at the Women In Black/Unitarian Church of Edmonton Social Action event on May 16.

Dear Katia, Anya, Tania, Oksana, Natasha, Olesia, Eva

Your long brutal nightmare, your sorrow moves through my mind and through my heart now.

The assault on YOUR soul is unbearable, unthinkable.

Your beautiful and sacred body and womanhood ravaged and raped!

It is too much pain, too much pain, my dear sisters, it is too much pain.

So I pledge to you to not close my eyes and turn my heart from you.

To take at least one piece of this overwhelming pain and pledge my commitment to you and NOT to turn away.

I will not turn away.

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